Unwind the Overwhelm: Navigating Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Welcome back, wonderful souls, after a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday! As always, it's that time for some inspiration, and let me tell you, this week has been a whirlwind of beautiful chaos for me. I've been diving deep into ensuring that my energy is in the right place, especially with emotions running wild. You see, all those things we learn from books, personal development seminars, and events? Well, you don't truly grasp them until life throws you into the midst of the real deal. And for me, that moment is right now, in the midst of the holiday season.

The expectations, the pressure (much of it courtesy of social media and Pinterest), defining what this season should look like for you—whether in your family life or the business realm. As the year winds down, questions start flooding in: Did you meet your initial goals? Should you overhaul your goals altogether? Were you present with your family? Is the holiday unfolding as planned? Travel or stay home? How will it impact the kids? Do you need more podcast appearances? Should you tweak your email funnel? The list goes on, and navigating it all can be overwhelming.

So, in today's blog, it's all about alleviating the pressure. Now, when I say that, there's a part of the old me whispering, "No, no, no! If you ease the pressure, if you let go of distress and anxiety, your performance will suffer." It's a story ingrained in my head—that worry and anxiety somehow serve me. But here's the truth: they don't. In fact, they hinder you. You can tap into other emotions—joy, fun, giving back—that resonate at a higher, more magnetic frequency.

If you're one of those who fear losing your anxiety (I get it, it might sound crazy), especially when overwhelmed, it's time to shift your perspective. That overwhelming, anxious feeling is deflective energy. Something happened to me this week—I felt the anxiety creeping in, responsibilities piling up, commitments to myself and my work. But then I thought, "Wait, this is what I've always wanted!" Work that excites me, projects that fulfill my creativity, and collaboration with amazing people.

We need to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves, consistently working on being present. It's not a one-time deal; it's a frequent practice. Amidst the workload and looming deadlines, must we physically experience stress and let it drive us crazy? No. We can still find joy. My prayers are being answered—yes, there's a lot to do, but I can handle it if I stay in the moment.

The problem? Most of us are never where our feet are; we're often in the future, feeling like the future is the present. It's exhausting. Imagine just writing an email or reading this without the weight of your to-do list and the unfinished tasks clouding your mind. Moms, we're living 30 realities in one moment, and that's where the overwhelming anxiety originates.

Being present and finding joy, or at least being grateful for what's happening—even if you can't enjoy it—can turn your life into a good one, if not a magnet for your wildest dreams. Joy is the highest vibration, the biggest way to serve people, your family, and your business. Stress and anxiety serve no one.

I've reached a point where I realize what matters is hitting our goals with joy, gathering data, assessing, and doing better next time. The most powerful place I've found is understanding that I need to do my best, take the pressure off, and let the data guide me.

So, if you're anxious about a process, realize that every aspect of life is a process, and you'll be anxious about something throughout your whole life. Uncertainty makes things exciting; otherwise, it wouldn't be fun. Slow down to feel your life; otherwise, you'll live in a future reality that never existed and miss everything.

Be present to your dreams, to the chaos. Understand that when it gets crazy, it's just everything coming in at once—a blessing. I'm sending you heaps of love. It would mean the world to me if you support my business, share my newsletter or blog with another mompreneur. I'm on a mission to make your life better, simplify routines, and build a community that shows you what's possible when you see another woman do it. I'm deeply grateful for you and your dreams. Thank you for tuning into the blog each week. Thank you for saying yes to your dreams. I'm grateful to have someone reading this so I can express myself, be myself, and fulfill my dreams. Deep gratitude.

If you enjoyed this blog and felt the love poured into it, I hope you'll share it. Until next time, sending you all so much love!

And before we wrap up, I have something special for you—something that takes our connection to a whole new level. Are you ready for it? I want to make sure you have my phone number, and no, I'm not kidding! Did you know that I have a community text number? Yep, it's real, and it goes directly to my phone. Here it is: 325-308-8482. All you have to do is text the word "motivation" to 325-308-8482, and guess what? I'll personally text you every single day, Monday through Friday.

Just a moment ago, I finished responding to a bunch of texts. I love engaging with you all, sending links, sharing thoughts about life, and recommending different events in the local area. Texting cuts through the noise of social media and puts me right in your hand. The response has been incredible, creating a true, deep sense of community—it's truly amazing.

So, don't miss out on this intimate connection. Go ahead, check it out. Text "motivation" to 325-308-8482, and let's continue this journey together. I'm looking forward to connecting with you on a whole new level. Until next time, sending you loads of love!


Embrace the Brave


From Control to Trust: Navigating Marriage with Faith