From Control to Trust: Navigating Marriage with Faith

Trust in the lord, with all your heart, and lean, not onto your own understanding; and all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

In the early days of marriage, I quickly realized that my desire for control was a potential stumbling block. Balancing my husband's wants and needs forced me to confront the root issue—my trust in God. Through this journey, I've grown in faith, learning to surrender control and embrace trust.

Attempting to control rather than trust can introduce unnecessary stress into a marriage, leading couples to fight against each other instead of for each other during challenging times. Trusting the Lord with our hearts and leaning on His wisdom, not our own, paves the way for a straightened path.

Where does trust need to take root in your marriage? What challenges are you both facing that require surrender to God? Recognize any stress or tension as a call to lean on Him. Today, let your prayer be for a marriage marked by trust—confidence in God's plans and timing. Invite Him to ease stress, fear, or worry and carry the burdens that feel heavy. Lean on Him and trust His guidance at every twist and turn.

Heavenly Father, in moments of uncertainty, we may not comprehend Your plans, yet you remain steadfast. Amidst difficult and challenging times, help us trust that Your wisdom surpasses our understanding. You are our strength, our wisdom, and our goodness. May our love for each other deepen as we learn to lean on You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Questions to Consider:

  • How are you currently grappling with trusting God in your marriage?

  • Considering your challenges, what's one tangible step you and your spouse can take together to cultivate trust in God, leaning not on your own understanding?

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