Spring Cleaning Tips to Simplify Your Life

Spring is here, and with it comes the opportunity to enjoy a new season of vibrant blooms and sunny days outdoors — unless you happen to be like my family who would rather spend long nights playing sports! However, after all that fun we need something less exciting: spring cleaning. Fear not – I'm here with some tips on how best to tackle your home’s clutter so by summertime everything has been given an invigorating refreshment without any extra stress weighing on your mind. With careful organization and planning ahead in key areas, you'll have no problem ensuring your house looks revitalized for the months ahead!

Declutter and Downsize: Start your spring-cleaning journey with a fresh perspective. Take the decluttering process room by room to maximize efficiency and make sure you're not wasting time on items that won't stick around. You'll be able to enjoy cleaner, tidier spaces when all is said and done!

Bedrooms: Bedrooms are the perfect place to begin your decluttering journey. Purging clothes and other items from closets and dressers is a great start! Start by emptying everything, then categorize what you plan on keeping versus donating or trashing. The tried-and-true rule of thumb: if it hasn’t been worn in 12 months, chances are you can live without it!

Bathrooms: Forget your tiny closets and cramped drawers - bathrooms can easily become a breeding ground for clutter. To save yourself from the space-hogging chaos, start by thoroughly cleaning out all storage under the sink. Pitch anything you no longer use or that’s past its expired date (don't forget to check with your municipality on any local drug take-back programs!). Then make sure those medicine cabinet contents are in order so even organizing is neat!

Kitchen: Whip your kitchen into shape! Start by giving those top shelves and cabinets a quick inspection - toss out anything you don't need, leaving only the essentials. Don't forget to check that pantry too; nothing beats removing clutter while also adding an extra measure of safety where expired food items are concerned.

Dust and disinfect: When the decluttering process is over, you’ll be ready to get down to cleaning. Here are a few tips to make the cleaning process quick and efficient: (Start with the tasks you like least. It might sound counterintuitive, but think of how good it will feel when you can look at your list and all you have left to do are the chores you enjoy. Work from top to bottom. You’ll kick yourself if you vacuum or sweep only for dust from fan blades or tall cabinets to fall on your newly cleaned floors.) Keep it simple. You shouldn’t need a vast array of cleaning products to get the job done. A few essentials to have on hand include: vacuum/handheld vacuum, broom and dustpan, handheld duster, sponges, floor care (here is the one I use), multipurpose cleaner (this is the one we use in our house), antibacterial spray (I'm in love with this one), distilled white vinegar, baking soda, rubber gloves (Pace yourself. There’s no written rule that says you need to get all your cleaning done in a day. Spread out cleaning tasks over a weekend or two, and reward yourself with a fun activity, such as dinner at your favorite restaurant or a trip to the movies, after finishing each cleaning session.)

Make it a game: What could make cleaning more fun than turning it into a competition? The rules are up to you; the winner could be the person who cleans a room the fastest or the most thoroughly or who cleans the most rooms overall.

Devise a plan: Spring-cleaning can be made much easier when you prioritize your cleaning routine throughout the year. Tasks like dusting, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming should be performed at least weekly. However,large tasks, such as cleaning and reorganizing your refrigerator,wiping down baseboards, and dusting high surfaces like fan blades, can be completed less often. Keep a log of tasks to do weekly, monthly, and seasonally to make spring-cleaning less overwhelming each year.

Wash clothing, towels, blankets, and bedding
Dust hard surfaces
Vacuum and sweep floors
Clean and disinfect toilets, sinks, and showers
Wipe down the stove and kitchen countertop
Dust light fixtures and fan blades
Wipe down high-touch areas (e.g., remote controls, light switches, and doorknobs)
Vacuum furniture and under cushions
Clean inside the oven and microwave

Vacuum and rotate mattresses
Wash drapes and curtains
Wipe down the insides and outsides of windows
Empty the refrigerator, and clean its shelves and drawers
Clean outdoor furniture and doormats

If tidying up is more than just a chore for you, I've got the perfect solutions. From products made in America to pet-friendly cleaners - it's not about getting organized but how stylishly and safely we get there! If that sounds like your kind of thing then let me know...I love helping out others who want spic and span homes too!

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