Unveiling the Hidden Faces of Pride

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. -Romans 12:3

What's the big deal with pride? It's often been claimed that pride serves as the underlying cause of numerous sins. A sin that remains concealed and elusive, pride readily exposes itself in others while effortlessly evading our own perception. However, the true predicament lies in pride's audacious endeavor to surpass even the divine. In our relentless pursuit to elevate ourselves, we inadvertently challenge the supremacy of God.

I’m sure we've all encountered individuals who embody the epitome of pride. They consistently boast about their achievements, tirelessly promote themselves, and seize every opportunity to place themselves on a pedestal. This particular manifestation of pride can be referred to as self-promotion, and if we're honest, we've all been guilty of indulging in such behavior at some point in our lives.

However, there exists a more insidious form of pride that often goes unnoticed - self-loathing.

We witness self-loathing in individuals who habitually belittle themselves, perpetually convinced that they fall short in every aspect of life. They believe they are inadequate as parents, convinced their children will never turn out alright. They criticize their appearance, feeling that their pants are too tight or that they can't measure up to societal standards. They judge their own efforts, convinced that even a birthday party or the state of their house is a dismal failure. In essence, they are constantly putting themselves down, indulging in a daily pity party. This self-loathing, however paradoxical it may seem, is a manifestation of pride because it revolves entirely around self. Whenever we deprecate ourselves or lament our circumstances, we subtly redirect the focus and attention back onto us.

To varying degrees, each one of us grapples with pride. Both forms - self-promotion and self-loathing - hinder our ability to love God and love others. In either case, our thoughts and preoccupations are fixated on ourselves, leaving little room for genuine love and care towards others.

Which forms of pride do you find yourself grappling with? It's an important question to reflect upon. Take a moment to ask God for assistance in redirecting your focus away from self and towards loving Him and others. Remember, His promise of grace is always available, ready to provide support where you need it most. So, let's embark on this journey together, shedding the burdens of pride and embracing a life centered on love and humility.

Lord, my heart overflows with adoration and reverence for You, as You alone are worthy of endless praise and honor. I humbly beseech You to gently guide me in turning my focus away from myself. With Your tender grace, nurture within me a spirit of humility, as I strive to embody Your love for you and for others.  In Jesus Name Amen.

Questions to Consider

  1. How have you personally observed pride manifesting itself as a mother, whether through self-promotion of self-loathing?

  2. Can you share specific instances where you have noticed pride taking root in your heart as a mom?

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