Unlock Your Happiness: 5 Powerful Strategies to Stay Positive and Find Joy in Life

I'm thrilled to be sharing this topic with you today, as it holds a special place in my heart. Not only has it transformed my own life, but it has also had a profound impact on my family.  I’m blessed that this topic sprang into my mind recently while I was walking outside with the sunshine on my back and I was praying over what topic was needed to be next for this blog. It was as if God whispered into my heart, urging me to explore the depths of happiness and uncover the secrets to staying positive. Together, let's take a deep dive into this enriching journey and unlock the true essence of happiness. 

Reflecting on my life 7 or 8 years ago, it was a time filled with negativity and darkness. I found myself trapped in an unhealthy relationship and surrounded by toxic friendships. The negativity seeped into every aspect of my life, from my relationship, friendships to my business connections, and even to the way I viewed my own body. The headspace I was in was incredibly toxic. But as I compare that time to where I stand today, a wave of awe washes over me. It's a transformation that I credit to my deep connection with God and Jesus, surrendering control of my life to His power. Embracing this spiritual journey has allowed me to trust in God's plan, find peace in every aspect of my life, and even experience financial security as I trust that everything will be provided for. My relationships have blossomed with an abundance of peace, kindness, and patience, particularly within my family. I've consciously let go of the negative friendships and relationships that held me back, and in their place, God has sent me extraordinary individuals who uplift and inspire me daily. These angels have become an integral part of my life, encouraging me to continually strive towards becoming the best version of myself as they push me to grow.

As I reflect on my personal growth journey, the stark contrast between who I used to be and who I am now becomes crystal clear. There are five significant shifts that have occurred in my life, and today, I want to delve into these transformations. I firmly believe that it is essential to take ownership of our actions and acknowledge when we have been less than admirable. It takes courage to admit, "Yes, I was a jerk" or "Yes, I acted selfishly" or "Yes, I pursued business endeavors for all the wrong reasons." Sometimes, it can be challenging to confront our own flaws and recognize the need to align our hearts with our true desires instead of making excuses for ourselves. I understand the difficulty that comes with this self-reflection. Often, we fail to recognize our own limitations and the role we play in nurturing negativity in our lives, which ultimately leads to our own pain. In these moments, it becomes vital for us to humble ourselves, turn to the Lord, and seek His guidance in becoming selfless, kinder, and more patient individuals.

The first step towards personal growth is to recognize and reframe limiting thoughts that hold us back. We often find ourselves uttering phrases such as "I'm too fat," "I hate myself," or "I can't be good in business because I'm stupid." Unfortunately, these self-deprecating beliefs are particularly prevalent among women, fueled by societal pressure to be perfect in every aspect of our lives. However, we must realize that we are already perfect in all our messy glory, regardless of the extra pounds or indulgence in a piece of pizza. We are perfect because we are created in God's light. Just imagine the impact it would have on us if we heard our children saying, "I hate myself, mom. I'm fat." These limiting thoughts seep into the universe and are absorbed by the little ones who look up to us to shape their reality.

To combat these beliefs, I encourage you to recognize when limiting thoughts enter your mind. One of my favorite practices with my clients is helping them identify and reframe these beliefs. When you catch yourself feeling overwhelmed or thinking you can't do something, remember that these are just fears manifesting as beliefs. They are not the reality. Take a moment to acknowledge that you said those words to yourself and then reframe them. Instead, say, "I don't know how to do that yet, but I'm grateful for the knowledge that is flowing to me. The right mentor and resources are available to me." Can you feel the shift in energy? By reframing your thoughts, you create space for learning and open your heart to finding solutions. You possess the power to accomplish anything you set your mind to when you stop listening to the limiting beliefs that linger in your head. Remember, those beliefs are nothing but lies from the enemy.

Let's take a moment to examine a common limiting belief: 'I can't go to the gym today because I'm too fat and everything looks horrible on me.' If you find yourself recognizing this thought pattern, it's essential to reframe it. Pause and acknowledge that you've just uttered a limiting phrase filled with self-hate, and it's time to shift your mindset. Instead, try saying, 'I am grateful for the opportunity to go to the gym and prioritize my health today. I choose to love and appreciate my body for all the countless blessings it provides me.' It may take practice and effort to identify these limiting thoughts within your own mind. We have become so conditioned to them that we often don't even realize we are even thinking them. Being intentional about paying attention to the thoughts we allow to float around is crucial because they shape our days, our lives, and our beliefs. Moreover, these thoughts have a profound impact on those around us, including our children and friends. They create a negative ripple effect that permeates our space. It's time for us to put an end to this cycle and choose a path of self-love and positivity.

Secondly, it is crucial that we refrain from vocalizing negativity. This point is closely tied to the previous one, and its significance cannot be overstated. While harboring limiting beliefs already harms us internally, expressing them aloud brings them to life. When we speak negative thoughts, we unknowingly manifest them into our reality. It is essential to remember that our words hold immense power, as even the Bible acknowledges. By voicing our continuous stream of limiting beliefs, we are essentially framing our own mindset. This includes engaging in gossip, belittling others in the misguided hope of boosting ourselves, and constantly reiterating why we cannot afford or accomplish certain things. 

 Anytime you have the word “she" come out of your mouth it really needs to be tied to: is beautiful, amazing, incredible, I’m proud of her. Of course, we are all human, and sometimes negative words slip out. However, it is crucial to recognize that when we fill our space with negativity, we are not only affecting ourselves but also spreading more negativity, hatred, and hurt to those around us. By verbalizing our negative thoughts, we bring down our own happiness levels by several notches. Instead, let us strive to reframe our negative remarks in the moment. We must acknowledge that we do not know the full extent of others' situations, and it is not our place to judge. 

All that does is bring our happiness down. Be a world changer. Be a lifter. Be a positive advocate for love everywhere you go and watch how that shifts the positivity in your life. Look at how much more happiness you start to create in your heart.  That happiness will shoot out of you like rainbows and before you know it you will be surrounded by happy people too. This is because you are what you attract and you attract what you are. It’s just the way it works.

Thirdly, I understand that this step can be challenging. It was certainly one of the most difficult aspects for me when I embarked on my own journey towards happiness. It involves surrounding yourself with individuals who uplift and light bringers. Allow me to clarify what I mean by "light bringers." These are the people who, whenever they enter a room, exude a vibrant, joyful energy. At times, these individuals may bother you, especially when you find yourself in a negative space in your life. You might catch yourself thinking, "She's so annoying. How can she always be so happy? Her life can't possibly be that perfect." These thoughts are filled with negativity and will only keep you trapped in self-pity, offering no solution or progress. They won't change the incredible light that person brings into the room. Instead, I urge you to actively seek out these light bringers. Make an effort to befriend them, even if their energy initially bothers you. I challenge you to make this a goal for the month ahead: actively search for these individuals and build a friendship with them. If you can recognize a light bringer and open your heart to that relationship, I genuinely believe it can uplift you out of your dark space much faster than if you were to remain surrounded by negative and gloomy influences.

One important aspect that can be quite challenging is taking inventory of the relationships you currently have. It is essential to examine the people who surround you. In my experience, there were instances where I discovered hurtful relationships, whether they were friendships, business connections, or even a boss projecting their insecurities onto me. These individuals were filled with anger and resentment towards the world. While I believe everyone has the potential to overcome such negativity, it becomes problematic when they direct it at you, causing you to internalize their toxicity. However, it is crucial to recognize that you have the right to reject this behavior. You should not allow anyone to determine your worth or subject you to their negative emotions and hurt. It may feel selfish, but it is your prerogative to take a stand. Take a moment to reflect on your recent phone calls and text messages. Consider who you have been interacting with. If negative influences predominantly occupy these interactions, it may be necessary to reevaluate your situation, even if it means changing jobs or distancing yourself from friends, family, or a significant other. This may be a controversial point, especially when those negative individuals are close to us. However, remember that it is your life, and if someone is causing significant harm, it is crucial to create distance. The extent of that distance is entirely up to you. Pray for new light bringers  to enter your life, and if complete removal from the negative space is not feasible, spend more time with those light bringers and they will begin to inspire you. Gradually, you can shift your focus towards a positive and happy space, which you truly deserve. It can be challenging to be honest about these situations, and you may even discover that you are the one spreading negativity. When you vocalize hate or anger, you inadvertently perpetuate these emotions. Instead, start reframing the words that come out of your mouth, for it is within your power to change your circumstances. By altering your thoughts and words, you can create incredible magic in your life. You possess your own magic wand; all you need to do is wield it. 

Fourthly, it is crucial to prioritize filling your mind with positivity and goodness. How often do you catch yourself claiming to have insufficient time? You convince yourself that there is not enough time to attend church, listen to that podcast you've been meaning to, engage in personal development, or simply take a moment for yourself. Take a step back and ask yourself, what exactly are you busy with? It's important to remember that Jesus is never too occupied for us. He always hears our prayers and calls out to Him. This perspective may be subject to controversy, but the key is to consider what this means for you personally. It may not necessarily involve attending church; perhaps it entails dedicating more time to prayer, engaging in devotionals, exercising, or investing in personal growth. The time to fill your mind with goodness, whatever resonates with your heart and soul, is available to you. Consider making small changes such as reducing your social media usage or waking up earlier to create space for these activities. Find the moments in your day when you feel your best and use them to immerse yourself in positive thoughts. As you fill your mind with goodness, you will naturally radiate positivity and begin to reframe the thoughts that inhabit your mind.

Fifthly, one of the most cherished tips I have on this subject is to recognize that blessings can be found in every situation, without exception. One strategy I personally adore is keeping a small devotional with me at all times. I make sure to have copies in places where I spend considerable time, such as my car, where I can read while waiting for my children, and by my bedside, for moments before sleep or upon waking. I often find myself unexpectedly gifted with an extra ten minutes, during which I can immerse myself in something positive. My devotional serves as a constant reminder that there is goodness to be found in every circumstance. While you may believe that the worst thing imaginable has happened to you, I assure you that there is a hidden blessing and lesson within it. For instance, perhaps you experienced a flat tire, but that occurrence may have actually saved you from a potential car accident. Or, if you fell ill, it may have brought you home, enabling you to be present for your child or miss a negative event at work. Instead of succumbing to complaints, which are just as harmful as negativity and gossip, I urge you to make them your new worst enemy and replace them with expressions of gratitude, recognizing each situation as a blessing. I challenge you to seek out the hidden blessings or lessons in your past experiences, as doing so will help you realize that no matter what you are currently going through, it is a part of your journey and a blessing in itself. It is through the accumulation of experiences, both positive and challenging, that we grow and develop. Just like a captivating story with moments that evoke tears, fear, or keep you on the edge of your seat, these emotions are necessary to fully appreciate and react to the ultimate ending. Similarly, your life is unfolding in the same way. You possess the power to shape your reactions to every experience you encounter, ultimately crafting the narrative of your life.

In conclusion, it is crucial to acknowledge and confront the limiting beliefs we impose upon ourselves. We all fall victim to this at times, but we must reclaim control over our minds, as our minds belong to us, not our enemy. Consider the kind of mind you desire to possess and the thoughts you want your children to cultivate. You have the power to break free from negative cycles and create a positive change. Cease vocalizing negativity, whether it be through complaints, negative thoughts, hatred, or comparisons. Such actions only serve to rob you of joy and diminish the warmth in your heart. I can personally attest to the transformative power of these tips; they have revolutionized my life and shaped me into a better version of myself. My sincerest prayer is that they have the same profound impact on you.

I hope you loved today’s blog. I hope it stretched you, challenged you and grew you in some way. If so, would you stop right now and share this with someone else who may need to read these words. It would also bless me big if you take 30 seconds to leave me a review. Lastly, go sign up for the newsletter where every week brings you insight into creating the home of your dreams to finding balance between family and business. It’s designed as a one stop shop for moms on their journey towards success getting them closer to achieving their goals with God in the center of it all. I pray this blesses you. If you're feeling like you're losing grip on your goals and intentions at any time throughout the year, remember that you don't have to go it alone. Join me for daily text messages filled with inspiration, journal prompts, and goal-setting guidance. Let's support each other and maintain our momentum for the rest of the year together. Text MOTIVATION to 325-308-8482 to join!

Thank you again for being a part of this community. I appreciate your presence and look forward to continuing this journey together.


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