Suffering In Silence?

The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me? Hebrews 13:6

Can you recall that moment you last reached out for help? Even more crucial, have you sought guidance from those who have the resources, knowing they could light your path to success?

Do you know how much God truly adores us? He not only hears our little hearts quake with fear, but He also lends a loving ear when we're drowning in life's chaos. And the most amazing part? He doesn't just listen; He steps in, like a divine superhero, to help and rescue us.

Not too long ago, a friend of mine urgently sought the expertise of yours truly. Of course I agreed. I jumped with excitement at the opportunity to bond with my fellow mom-friend and do something that brings me joy. Yes, I know I’m weird. 

Discovering the secrets to productivity and tranquility during my 21-year adventure as a mother, I’ve realized that embracing an organized environment (and lots of systems) can be the key to navigating life’s unpredictable surprises. 

In the midst of our soulful conversations, we delved into life’s deep puzzles while untangling her cluttered spaces. When her family returned home, their astonished reactions ignited pure joy within me. Side by side, as we tackled her organization woes, we bonded over the raw struggles of motherhood. That day, united by empowerment and inspiration, we emerged stronger to stride forth on our ever-evolving journeys of motherhood. 

Later that day, I felt so grateful that I had something to offer at that moment. It feels so good to be of service. It feels so good when you have direct experience that can help someone you love. And it was so easy for me to help simply by sharing what I had learned going through my own journey. 

Annnd it's possible that she could've never asked for help.

She could've carried on in frustration, spending days arguing about placement and overwhelmed. I could've carried on with my own work, missing the opportunity to help someone I care about.

I started thinking about all the times I have suffered in silence. How many times have I robbed someone of the gift of giving because I didn't ask for help or because I thought I would be a bother?

But then it hit me. What if this is how God feels about us all the time? I know He has so much wisdom, so many tools, so many modalities with which to help us -- and yet we have not asked for help.

But if we simply open our hearts, ask for His help and tell Him what we need, then so many more resources become available to us. Romans 8:31 states “If God is for us, who can be against us?” I believe that God will not only come to our aid, He also places people in our circle to help us as well. And it doesn't cost them a lot to help us.

It was so easy for me to share those tools with my friend. It's so easy for God to help us along our way. But we have to ask.

So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, scared, heartbroken, in pain -- drop into the privacy of your own heart. Be brave enough to feel into what you would actually love.

Instead of worshiping your worries...

Instead of placing all your attention on asking, "Why is this happening?"...

Instead of judging yourself or feeling shame...

What if instead, you were brave enough to feel into what was happening...

Then be humble enough to ask God for help. Sometimes the most meaningful prayer we can offer is a heartfelt, “Lord, help me.”

Questions to Consider.

What has you feeling powerless at this moment?

What small step can you take today to trust in God’s guidance?


As Always: I hope you loved today’s blog. I hope it stretched you, challenged you and grew you in some way. If so, I would stop right now and share this with someone else who may need to read these words. It would also bless me big if you take 30 seconds to leave me a review. Lastly, go sign up for the newsletter where every week brings you insight into creating the home of your dreams to finding balance between family and business. It’s designed as a one stop shop for moms on their journey towards success getting them closer to achieving their goals with God in the center of it all. I pray this blesses you. 


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