Rooting Our Friendships in God's Love

Our friendships are blessings from God and a reflection of His love for us. As I get older, it becomes increasingly clear that my friends cannot replace the bond between myself and Him; only in turning to Him first can true friendship grow deep roots. From this trust springs something deeper than what was ever possible before - an appreciation of one another rooted firmly in divinely-created community.  What comfort there is when remembering 1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us"!

As busy moms, we can feel overwhelmed and disconnected from God. But His love is always there for us - a haven of grace that helps anchor our hearts to Him. God is constantly pouring His love out for us and longing to lavish it on every part of our lives. As we strive to create lasting friendships that honor Him, let’s remember the power in taking time alone with Him - reading Scripture, reflecting deeply on all He has done for us, safekeeping His promises close to heart and embracing his embrace of acceptance and approval which will help guide you into motherhood.

When we seek love and approval from God first, our relationships with others take on a deeper meaning. Our friendships become rooted in His unconditional acceptance of us, allowing us to freely give the same grace to one another. We can laugh together at life's moments while relying completely on His unending provision for sustenance - no matter what twists come along! So practice friendship that centers around leaning into Heavenly Father's embrace and watch it blossom even more than before.

Father, I lift up my prayer to You. May I come to fully understand and experience the boundless love that is bestowed upon me through Jesus Christ. Grant me peace in knowing Your perfect acceptance of me never alters, for it offers solace greater than any other kind. Fill my heart with Your Spirit so that no matter what comes before me today - may overflow into those around; meet every need as only we could dream possible! Amen

Today, let us each contemplate the power of looking to God in times of need. What would it look like for our friendships if we could first turn towards Him before anything else? Let us also challenge ourselves - how can we use our godly friendship as a way to remind others that they are not alone and do not have to rely solely on their own resources but instead have access to divine love through seeking God above all else.

I hope you loved today’s blog. I hope it stretched you, challenged you and grew you in some way. If so, I would stop right now and share this with someone else who may need to read these words. It would also bless me big if you take 30 seconds to leave me a review. Lastly, go sign up for the newsletter where every week brings you insight into creating the home of your dreams to finding balance between family and business. It’s designed as a one stop shop for moms on their journey towards success getting them closer to achieving their goals with God in the center of it all. I pray this blesses you. 


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