Prioritizing God’s Approval in Our Lives

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, of of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. 

-Galatians 1:10

Are you frequently anxious about the viewpoints of others? It’s possible that you’re grappling with how other mothers perceive your parenting skills. Or, perhaps your parents or grandparents are overly critical of you. Maybe the voice of your past questions whether you’ll ever be a good enough mother. We all experience moments when we prioritize the approval of others over God’s approval. 

Even the apostle Paul recognized that we can vacillate between desiring God’s approval and seeking validation from others. It’s easy to give more weight to peoples opinions than they deserve, becoming overly concerned with their thoughts, approval, and what we can do to earn their acceptance. However, this is a treacherous trap, isn’t it?

It’s essential to derive our strength from God's approval, knowing that in Christ, we are entirely accepted, loved, and secure. In Him, we possess something that no one can take away. When we prioritize honoring Him with our lives, other people’s acceptance becomes less significant. Thomas a Kempis captured this idea beautifully when he said,”Do not be too concerned about who is with you or who is against you, but be careful that God may be with you in everything you do.”

If you tend to be a people pleaser, remember that your primary goal is to please God. When our lives come to an end, we won’t be held accountable to others; we will stand before God. Therefore, His assessment, approval, and acceptance are the only things that matter ultimately. Don’t allow people to hold more power over you than they deserve. 

Father, guide me to see acceptance and approval solely from You. Grant me the wisdom to hold Your opinion of me in higher regard than the opinions of others. Please shield my heart from the desire to please people over pleasing You. I pray this in jesus’ name. Amen

Questions to Consider:

  1. What makes seeking people’s approval detrimental to your soul?

  2. In which area of motherhood do you find the strongest temptation to prioritize the approval of others over that of God?

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