Choosing Wise Friends: Following the Example of Faithful Leaders

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you, Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. -Hebrews 13:7

The church is not just a gathering of individuals; it is a sacred community where God's spirit resides. Through His people, God imparts wisdom and guidance, shaping us into better versions of ourselves. However, the company we keep within this community is crucial. It is not sufficient to simply have anyone around us; we need companions who embody godliness, who live in alignment with the Spirit and possess a deep understanding of God's truth. We seek friends who are humble, honest, and authentic, for these are the rare treasures that enrich our lives and help us grow in our faith.

Although Hebrews 13:7 primarily focuses on remembering our leaders, its principles can also be applied to the importance of remembering godly and wise friends. The writer encourages us to reflect on the lives of individuals who exemplify values worth emulating. We are urged to consider the outcomes of their way of life, evaluate their marriages, observe their character, witness their faith in action, observe their families, listen to their speech, and witness the fruit of their faithfulness to God. If all of these align with God's Word, we are encouraged to learn from their example and follow them as they follow Jesus.

In our journey of faith, it is crucial to have friends who are further along in their spiritual journey, possessing wisdom and godliness, and who are willing to invest in us. However, such friends rarely come to us; instead, we must actively seek them out. To surround ourselves with these kinds of friends, we need to be intentional in our pursuit. It could mean meeting for a cup of coffee once a month, having occasional lunches, or seeking their advice through phone calls. Rather than waiting for these friends to come to us, we should take the initiative to seek them out and cultivate meaningful connections.

In conclusion, the individuals we choose to follow and emulate play a significant role in our personal growth and development. Whether it be in our personal lives, church, or community, it is crucial to surround ourselves with people whose values, actions, and character align with our aspirations. By consciously selecting positive role models who inspire and motivate us, we can enhance our own abilities and become the best versions of ourselves. Therefore, let us reflect upon our choices and actively seek out individuals who will uplift and encourage us on our journey towards self-improvement.

Dear Father, I ask for your guidance in finding friends who will support me in my journey to become more like Jesus. Please show me the women who can offer wisdom, encouragement, and advice. I pray for friends who will inspire me to be a better person, more like Jesus. As you know what is best for me, please lead me to a trustworthy and devoted friend worth following. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Do you have any friends that you admire and would like to follow? 

  2. Are there any young moms or women who you could invite for coffee or lunch? Could it be possible that God has placed someone in your life for you to mentor and guide?

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