Cherishing Every Moment: Embracing the Present with Our Children

Being a mom is a beautiful journey filled with love and joy. However, let's be real, there are moments when we might not particularly like our kids. It's completely normal to feel this way sometimes, especially in a society that constantly puts pressure on us. But here's the thing, we can always find a way to reconnect with our children and start enjoying their company again. In this blog, I want to share four reasons that might be causing these negative feelings and offer some helpful strategies to overcome them. Because every mom deserves to cherish the precious moments with her kids. Let's dive in!

1. Inconsistent Parenting: 

It's no secret that inconsistent discipline can lead to unhappiness and dislike towards our kids' behavior. When we ignore or justify poor attitudes and behavior, we fail to prioritize active parenting. As a result, we face the consequences of our irresponsible parenting. To reconnect with our children and enjoy their company, it's crucial to establish ourselves as their rightful authority. Once they recognize our authority, they become happier and more cooperative, putting an end to testing and rebellion, naturally drawing closer to us.

2. Your Own Personal Character: 

If we find ourselves not enjoying our children's presence, it's often a sign that we have neglected our personal growth and spiritual well-being. When we slack off in our relationship with the Lord, we tend to become more irritated with our kids. Lack of discipline in managing our time or prioritizing tasks can make their interruptions feel like infringements on our productivity. Growing in patience, forbearance, and sacrificial love allows us to better handle their difficulties and disobedience, even if the results aren't immediate. As parents, we set the spiritual tone in our homes, so modeling positive qualities is essential.

3. Stressors Both Inside and Outside the Home: 

Children are perceptive and can pick up on how we feel about them, reflecting it back in their behavior. If we treat them with contempt, they may feel unwanted or disrespected, leading to acting out. Additionally, they may mimic behavior and attitudes from peers at school, exhibiting signs of stress that we misinterpret as disrespect or defiance. It's important to recognize that external factors may contribute to their behavior. During the hours between 3:00pm and 8:00pm, when frustration and misunderstandings arise, it may be because someone else has already exhausted their best, leaving us with the leftovers. Understanding these stressors helps us approach our kids with empathy and support.

4. Not Spending Enough Time Engaged With Them: 

One common concern raised about homeschooling is the fear of not having a strong relationship with our children. However, this may stem from spending too much time apart from them in the first place. We may have grown accustomed to their absence, making it challenging to relate to them when they are present. Mistakenly, we believe that reducing their time with us will restore peace, thinking they would be better off with someone more "qualified" or patient. However, the solution lies in spending more quality time with our kids. By actively engaging with them, we start genuinely enjoying their company. Homeschooling can strengthen this bond, as it allows us to dedicate ourselves fully to the job and truly appreciate our children.

Recognizing our frustration and impatience with our kids presents an opportunity for personal growth and sanctification. The Bible advises against exasperating our children or provoking them to wrath. So, during difficult seasons, take a moment to reflect on the lessons God may be teaching you. Embrace the sanctifying work of struggling through problems with your child rather than settling for temporary relief. Remember, your role as a parent is invaluable, and your presence is what your children truly need.

In conclusion, it's important for us as parents to cherish and appreciate the time we have with our children. Let's not spend their childhoods wishing for them to grow up quickly, only to find ourselves wishing they were closer to us in their adulthoods. Time flies by, and before we know it, our kids will have moved on to their own lives. Instead of longing for a future that is yet to come, let's make the most of the present moment.

Investing time and effort into building a strong and loving relationship with our children is priceless. They need our guidance, support, and presence throughout their lives, and it's up to us to provide that. By actively engaging with them, prioritizing their well-being, and modeling positive behavior, we can create a bond that will last a lifetime.

So, let's not let the frustrations and challenges of parenting overshadow the joy and fulfillment it brings. Embrace the opportunity for personal growth and sanctification that comes with raising children. Let's stay present, actively involved, and appreciative of the precious moments we have with our kids. By doing so, we can ensure that our children grow up knowing they are loved, valued, and always welcome to be closer to us.

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